Pathway Reflection
Pathway Reflection
As a Graduate pathway student, I have gone through numerous experiences and lessons to learn. Indeed, going back into university as a student after had been working for about 12 years before is really a shocking alteration for me, moreover, to be an international student in a university overseas here in the U.S. Fortunately, in INTO Mason graduate pathway program, they designed a teaching program that covers all the knowledge, skills as well as mental and character that should be possessed by a graduate student in order to be success in his/her study.
One of the most valuable lessons that will be very useful during our study period or even for our future is time management. There are five subjects in the first semester in my pathway program. With all class schedules and the assignments from each subject, a well arranged time management is greatly required. It was explained by Badke, 2003 [1] that in creating a time management plan the calendar method would probably the best technique to remind us what to work and how much time we need to do it on each day.
In the English or pathway classes, we were intensively encouraged to do a lot of reading and writing through all the assignments such as GCLP, ABF, and other essay assignments. Those were very important to improve our reading and writing skills, as well as we learnt about citation rule and how to avoid plagiarism.
Another important lesson is to make the most of any available resources on campus, such as library, writing center, workshop, seniors, academic advising, and so on. Because, this will give many benefits to the student. As Hjortshoj, 2009 [2] suggested that most of successful college students are often those who most likely to use writing centers, peer tutoring services, faculty office hours, or extra review sessions to improve their work.
I believe by adhering to our time management plan, and utilize all resources available in the university to support our study, we will be able to go through the graduate study less struggle to gain the success.